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  • eartahhj

    Game: Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition

    Rating: 5 out of 5

    Well this is Age of Empires, you know...

    One of the most popular RTS around at the moment, and probably always has been... You can play great campaigns but also multiplayer matches, and this Definitive Edition has improved graphics, added co [...]

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  • eartahhj

    Game: Quake III Arena

    Rating: 5 out of 5

    The best Arena FPS by far

    I don't know exactly how much I played this as a kid, but surely a lot. Mostly against bots, then I started playing some Quake Live and Quake Champions online, but still nothing can beat Q3A! I could [...]

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  • eartahhj

    Game: Call of Duty 2

    Rating: 5 out of 5

    You haven't really played CoD if you didn't play CoD2

    I have played this game for probably more than 4,000 hours and, few bugs apart, it was always nice to play. Yea it could have gotten much better, but well, the zPAM mod for the multiplayed helped it a [...]

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